MÜPA Budapest

Cracking Nut Cracker

Today I went to see the Nutcracker. This was a special performance for children in Budapest. It was performed as contemporary dance and the child perspective was obvious. I enjoyed so much. Think I have never seen something like this. It was just great and I could feel all kinds of emotions in the air. The kids were all swallowed up by the performance – end we grown ups too. At a few occasions the audience was involved. The children especially liked the snow ball war with the actors.
Oh how I would like to bring my grandchildren to see this.

five empty seats
and mine

Snow ball war – I picked up my iPhone to shoot.

Nut Cracker, MÜPA, Budapest

Wonderful dancers!!!! Szeged Contemporary Dance Co.Nut Cracker, MÜPA, Budapest

Outside MÜPA –  the building that changes colors – you also can skate nowadays. See top photo.

Daly Prompt: Discover.

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