
Tanjan i Ungern

Some Wings

the temptation
at the chalk cliff top
I throw a rose

© Hamish Managua Gunn

Basho and I
share the same moon
and the same joy
of words about nature
I know – Basho taught me
© Hamish Managua Gunn
Oh my gosh! This will be too hard! I need that dragon fiery rod now indeed.
in dreams
stars are listening
you know
some wings
made a memorable
bringing me to the world of

Well – now you will think I’m even more crazy – cause I feel I have a certain connection to dragonflies. They like me to photo shoot them. They perform for me. They follow me. I talk to them. Last session was when I visited the Tanja in south east Hungary in August. They were so funny! We were in the wine yard as you can see on top.
Left me with hundreds of photos. This one presented me to his/her fellow later.

Click on the picture!

Dragonfly laughing at me

Carpe Diem: Tokubetsudesu #92.
Hamish Managua Gunn’s ”the temptation”.

A bottle of champagne

Daily Prompt: Someone Else’s IslandWe’ve all been asked what five objects we’d take with us to a desert island. Now it’s your best friend’s (or close relative’s) turn to be stranded: what five objects would you send him/her off with?

I would not
send an airoplane
or a helicopter
or a ship
or a surfboard
not even
a water scooter.

I would send
a submarin
a nice shower
a smart outfit
a done table
and at last
a bottle of

Just to surprise
welcome home
