Burned Dance

There was a party going on. I didn’t know at first. But suddenly I was aware of it and got invited. I couldn’t say NO. This was a special party. Looked so fun.

Dancing out there …

Crazy Art by me - There is a Party going on.

my pencils
not me – was asked to dance

While I was at the party I completely forgot I baked. So now I can say that my seed bread is very very well baked. I tried with som cheese to check if it was eatable. Perhaps tomorrow when the smell of burnt is gone.

Unlucky me – for once. But lucky anyhow.

Men visst passar den in på huslig – ungefär så jag är på det området. En Skrivpuff.

6 kommentarer

  1. Så blir det när man uppslukas av något intressant. Kul idé att kalla det party. Det är det ju när man sysslar med något man tycker så mycket om.

    Gillad av 1 person

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