Day: 2016-06-29

Crazy Art by me - Animation - The Solitary Leaf

A touristing little leafe

Daily Prompt: Tourist.

I am a tourist in a world. In a giant Universe. On a little spot on Earth. On my journey I visit some other places to broaden my mind and experience the foreign.
Tiny places in the giant space.
I am a tourist in one kind of a world.
I really am.

Sometimes I am on another journey. I am touristing the string world. A world with no borders but lots of floating crossings. A world for experiencing the nonexistent.
And it is so exciting.
I am and I am not.

My last trip will come sooner or later. The final destination is unknown and my ticket is open.
This tour is the end and I die.
The tourist took off.

Animation - A falling little leafe

Helsingborg - Sea Bridge

Vetandets värld

Skrivpuff: Undermedveten.

Idag har jag inte kontakt med mitt undermedvetna. Jag verkar befinna mig på det mellanmedvetna planet i min strävan mot det övermedvetna.
Jag inväntar vidare öppningar mot vetandets värld.
Med alla mina sinnen öppna.

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